Hi Tom, Thanks for looking at this. The answer is "yes," as can be seen from the output below. The rx_freq field is not something that I added. I did add the "dumm" field, however.
Sincerely, Dan Marlow marlow@phy-gr2:~/pulsar/DAQ$ gr_read_file_metadata meta_test.dat.hdr HEADER 0 Version Number: 0 Sample Rate: 4000000.00 sps Seconds: 0.184295 Item size: 4 Data Type: float (5) Complex? False Header Length: 189 bytes Extra Length: 40 Extra Header? True Size of Data: 65536 bytes 16384 items Extra Header: rx_freq: 1.2e+09 dumm: 1408561917746092 On Aug 21, 2014, at 6:03 PM, Tom Rondeau wrote: > On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Daniel Marlow <mar...@princeton.edu> wrote: > Hello, > > I am trying to add some extra information to the standard metadata file > header. > > Following the information posted on > http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_metadata.html , I am able to write and > read the standard metadata. I have attempted to add extra metadata with > the following lines in my flowgraph: > > # add some extra meta data > key = pmt.pmt_intern("dummy") > val = pmt.pmt_from_long(77) > extras = pmt.pmt_make_dict() > extras = pmt.pmt_dict_add(extras, key, val) > extras_str = pmt.pmt_serialize_str(extras) > > nItems = 1024*size > self.blocks_file_meta_sink_0 = > blocks.file_meta_sink(gr.sizeof_float*1,"./meta_test.dat", > samp_rate, 1, blocks.GR_FILE_FLOAT, False, nItems, > extras_str, True) > self.blocks_file_meta_sink_0.set_unbuffered(False) > > I think that the writing is going OK, since the length of the header > increases by a reasonable amount and a Unix hexdump indicates that the > "dummy" data is present. However, I am stuck when it comes to getting at > the extra data using the parse_file_metadata functions. In particular, when > I try to read the data using: > > cHeader = c[0:185] # character array read from file > pmt_dict = pmt.pmt_deserialize_str(cHeader) > p = parse_file_metadata.parse_header(pmt_dict,False) > p_extra = parse_file_metadata.parse_extra_dict(pmt_dict,info,True) > > The first parse_file_metadata line successfully provides the standard > metadata, but the second parse_file_metadata does not provide the extra > "dummy" data. I suspect that it has to do with my poor understanding of > what should go in the info argument. > > Any help would be greatly appreciated. > > Sincerely, > Dan Marlow > > > Dan, > > What happens when you run gr_read_metadata on the file that's created? Does > that show your extra header info? > > Tom >
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