Hi Jeff Guo,

did you add your function only to the lib/myblock_impl.{h,cc} or also to
include/myblock.h like this:

class MYMODULE_API my_block : public gr::block_type
    virtual return_type myfunction(int argument0, char argument2...) = 0;

On 03.08.2014 08:25, ?? wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently, I using gr_modtool to create my own block. I add a c++ block and
> in the .h file I add a function, but after compile it I cannot call my
> function in python I just get error message "AttributeError: '(My blocks)'
> object has no attribute '(function)'". I compare my code with other lot
> code. I have no idea where the problem is, because I don't feel like the
> c++ code wrong. I guess is swig, but other code also not change anything so
> I got confused. What is going wrong?
> Thanks
> Jeff Guo
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