Hi xianda,

tb.wait() does exactly what you said it does: Wait for the flow graph to
complete.A flowgraph will run until one of the blocks in that flowgraph
signal that they're done, or you call tb.stop().
If you don't have such a block, your tb will run forever, and wait()
will never return.


On 25.07.2014 11:13, xianda wrote:
> Hi Marcus:
>                 Thank you for your reply.Sorry for that if you can't 
> understand.I will try my best to explain my question.
>  def main():
>               tb=my_top_block()
>               tb.start()
>               time.sleep(30)
>               #stop flowgraph
>               tb.lock()
>               tb.disconnect((tb.uhd_usrp_source_0,0),(tb.rx_0,0))
>                 tb.disconnct((tb.rx_0,0),tb.snk1)
>                  #start flowgraph
>               tb.connect((tb.uhd_usrp_source_0,0),(tb.rx_1,0))
>               tb.connect((tb.rx_1,0),tb.snk)
>                  #  blockA:(tb.rx_0,0)    blockB:(tb.rx_1,0)  
>                  tb.unlock()
>                tb.wait()
>                  print "start"
> I want to disconnct flow graph, and then to start a new connect.My code hang 
> in tb.wait(),it can't go on.I add print "start" and it can't display 
> "start".Sorry for my poor english if you can't understand.
>                 Thank you so much.
> Best regards,
> xd
> At 2014-07-25 04:59:52, "Marcus Müller" <marcus.muel...@ettus.com> wrote:
>> Hi Xianda,
>> as usual, saying "doesn't work", "can't run", "behaves wrong" really
>> gives no clue what's wrong.
>> Please follow
>> http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/ReportingErrors ,
>> especially "How do I ask?".
>> Greetings,
>> Marcus
>> On 25.07.2014 09:36, xianda wrote:
>>> Hi Marcus:
>>>                     Thank you so much for your kindly reply. And I 
>>> disconnect block A and sink 1.
>>> def main():
>>>             tb=my_top_block()
>>>             tb.start()
>>>             time.sleep(30)
>>>             #stop flowgraph
>>>             tb.lock()
>>>             tb.disconnect((tb.uhd_usrp_source_0,0),(tb.rx_0,0))
>>>                 tb.disconnct((tb.rx_0,0),tb.snk1)
>>>                  #start flowgraph
>>>             tb.connect((tb.uhd_usrp_source_0,0),(tb.rx_1,0))
>>>             tb.connect((tb.rx_1,0),tb.snk)
>>>                 #  blockA:(tb.rx_0,0)    blockB:(tb.rx_1,0) 
>>>                 tb.unlock()
>>>             tb.wait()
>>> And It can run.But new problem exists.My new flowgraph:
>>>  source--->block B(just one block)--->sink2
>>> can't run(I have already tested my new flowgraph alone,it's normal.But 
>>> after reconfiguring flowgraph,it can't run normally. ).I think it's 
>>> blocking because of the tb.wait().I know the wait is a blocking call that 
>>> sits there and waits for the flowgraph to finish.I just want my new 
>>> flowgraph run.Thank you.
>>> Best regards,
>>> xd
>>> At 2014-07-21 08:06:52, "Marcus Müller" <marcus.muel...@ettus.com> wrote:
>>> unless you also disconnect block A and sink1, GNU Radio will continue to 
>>> assume that block A should produce output for sink1, and it can't do that 
>>> without input.
>>> Greetings,
>>> Marcus
>>> On 21.07.2014 13:43, xianda wrote:
>>> I forget to say:the "sink" also different with each other.Namely:
>>>                         source--->block A(just one block)--->sink1
>>>                         source--->block B(just one block)--->sink2
>>> Can someone help me?Thanks.
>>> At 2014-07-21 06:50:10, "xianda" <wangxianda920...@163.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all:
>>>          Thank you in advance.I want to ask some questions about the 
>>> "Reconfiguring Flowgraphs".
>>>          My flowgraphs:
>>>                                   source--->block A(just one block)--->sink
>>> And I want to run the flowgraphs for 30 seconds,and then run the other 
>>> flowgraphs:
>>>                                    source--->block B(just one block)--->sink
>>> And I have read the API,and then I write something like this:
>>> def main():
>>>             tb=my_top_block()
>>>             tb.start()
>>>             time.sleep(30)
>>>             #stop flowgraph
>>>             tb.lock()
>>>             tb.disconnect((tb.uhd_usrp_source_0,0),(tb.rx_0,0))
>>>             #start flowgraph
>>>             tb.connect((tb.uhd_usrp_source_0,0),(tb.rx_1,0))
>>>             tb.connect((tb.rx_1,0),tb.snk)
>>>                 #  blockA:(tb.rx_0,0)    blockB:(tb.rx_1,0) 
>>>                 tb.unlock()
>>>             tb.wait()
>>> But it go error:    RuntimeError: delay(4): insufficient connected input 
>>> ports (1 needed, 0 connected)
>>> Can someone help me?Thank you.
>>> Best regards,
>>> xd
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