>     from gnuradio import gr, gru, op25 as _op25
>    ImportError: cannot import name op25

It's slightly challenging to attempt remote diagnosis of this type of issue; at 
first glance I thought this might just be an easy one (need to run ldconfig, 
perhaps; or a need to set the proper environment  variables, in particular 

Those could still be causing this issue, but I'm wondering now if it's not more 
likely to be a version incompatibility.

The old (pre GR 3.7.x) versions of op25 that were built from SVN were imported 
into python thusly:
   from gnuradio import op25
However now the new latest version of op25 (installed via git and perhaps built 
via pybombs) is imported like this:
   import op25

Your error message suggests the old version (which may be the only one 
compatible with Balint's gr-baz stuff; not sure).

So as a preliminary test, could I have you run a simple test; open the python 
interpreter interactively [just type python], and try
        import op25
at the python >>> prompt.

--please report the result --  do you get an error on this?


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