Thank you Tom.
I've modified the Decode CCSDS 27. In particular, I changed the code in
implementation file (.cc):

Existing code:

> const float *in = (const float *)input_items[0];
>       unsigned char *out = (unsigned char *)output_items[0];
>       for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items*16; i++) {
>     // Translate and clip [-1.0..1.0] to [28..228]
>     float sample = in[i]*100.0+128.0;
>     if (sample > 255.0)
>       sample = 255.0;
>     else if (sample < 0.0)
>       sample = 0.0;
>     unsigned char sym = (unsigned char)(floor(sample));
>     d_viterbi_in[d_count % 4] = sym;
>     if ((d_count % 4) == 3) {
>       // Every fourth symbol, perform butterfly operation
>       viterbi_butterfly2(d_viterbi_in, d_mettab, d_state0, d_state1);
>       // Every sixteenth symbol, read out a byte
>       if (d_count % 16 == 11) {
>         // long metric =
>         viterbi_get_output(d_state0, out++);
>         // printf("%li\n", *(out-1), metric);
>       }
>     }
>     d_count++;
>       }
My code:

> unsigned char *in = (unsigned char *)input_items[0];
>       unsigned char *out = (unsigned char *)output_items[0];
>     int ni = 0;
>     unsigned char byte = 0x0;
>     while (ni < noutput_items*16)
>     {
>         byte = in[ni];
>         d_viterbi_in[d_count % 4] = byte;
>     if ((d_count % 4) == 3) {
>       // Every fourth symbol, perform butterfly operation
>       viterbi_butterfly2(d_viterbi_in, d_mettab, d_state0, d_state1);
>       // Every sixteenth symbol, read out a byte
>       if (d_count % 16 == 11) {
>         // long metric =
>         viterbi_get_output(d_state0, out++);
>         // printf("%li\n", *(out-1), metric);
>       }
>     }
    ni ++;
>     d_count++;
>  }

I also modify the header file, xml file.  Now the new block appear in GRC.
I build a flow graph (see in attachment) to test this block. When I run
this flowgraph, I got this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/khachoang/GNU_Radio/Test GRC/", line 58, in
    tb = top_block()
  File "/home/khachoang/GNU_Radio/Test GRC/", line 43, in
    self.connect((self.fec_encode_ccsds_27_bb_0, 0),
(self.fec_decode_ccsds_27_bb_0, 0))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/",
line 130, in connect
    self._connect(points[i-1], points[i])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/",
line 142, in _connect
    dst_block.to_basic_block(), dst_port)
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/", line
4100, in primitive_connect
    return _runtime_swig.top_block_sptr_primitive_connect(self, *args)

*ValueError: itemsize mismatch: encode_ccsds_27_bb0:0 using 1,
decode_ccsds_27_bb0:0 using 4*
Is my code correct? How could I fix this bug?


On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 8:55 PM, Tom Rondeau <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 5:27 AM, Hoang Ngo Khac <>
> wrote:
>> Thank you Marcus.
>> I've checked out gr-fec. The problem is that Decode CCSDS 27 block takes
>> float input while my data to feed it is in byte.
> If you've built the documentation of the latest version of GNU Radio, look
> at the Forward Error Correction page for a description of the new FEC API.
> It's designed with exactly your issue in mind. You would write a new
> deployment for the FEC of your choice to handle the data type conversions.
> In fact, the current CC decoder actually takes in bytes but the deployment
> takes in floats. The floats are intended to be soft symbols, and the
> decoder deployment converts from the soft symbol floats to a quantized soft
> symbol byte that floats at a particular level.
> Tom
>> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Marcus Müller <>
>> wrote:
>>>  Hi Hoang,
>>> GNU Radio 3.7 has the gr-fec framework, and recent updates brought more
>>> performance and some features, so if that matches your use case, go ahead
>>> and try it out!
>>> Greetings,
>>> Marcus
>>> On 25.06.2014 09:54, Hoang Ngo Khac wrote:
>>> Deal all,
>>> Does anyone update the Channel Coding 
>>> (
>>> toolbox so that it can work in Gnuradio 3.7.0?
>>> I did try to install this toolbox. The installation was done but it do not
>>> appear in Gnuradio Companion interface.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Hoang
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