Hey Carl,
I'm having the same issue on my Fedora boxes. I have two Fedora 20
boxes. On the first one I removed everything related to UHD and GNU
Radio and then ran pybombs as uhd first and then GNU Radio. That worked
fine for that box so maybe give that a try; however, I replicated the
same steps on my 2nd Fedora box, but it's still missing the UHD
components(source and sink blocks in GRC and unable to do
uhd_find_devices, etc.). On occasion when I remove everything and
reinstall uhd and Gnuradio, it'll have the uhd drivers, but not GRC and
its related components.
I'm not really sure what's up, but I've set up the environments and
verified the paths. Anyone else have any ideas?
Any advice is much appreciated.
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