On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 1:57 PM, dushyant.marathe <dushyantmara...@gmail.com>

> Hello list,
> I am simulating Voice transmission system in GRC using 'GMSK Mod', 'GMSK
> Demod' in loop without any channel in between & My flow graph configuration
> is as follows:
> Wav file source -> Throttle -> Packet encoder -> GMSK Mod -> GMSK Demod ->
> Packet decoder -> Wav file sink/Scope/FFT Sink.
> When I execute the above flow graph, I get output at Scope, FFT Sink.
> Also it writes wav file using 'Wav file sink' block, but I am not able to
> play that wav file, it gives error.

You didn't mention how you played the wave file.
Take note that in gnuradio, audio sink accepts floating point samples in
the range of -1 and +1. [1]
Beyond the range you will get clipping error.

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