On 6/6/14 3:50 PM, Tom Rondeau wrote:
On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Ed Criscuolo
<edward.l.criscu...@nasa.gov <mailto:edward.l.criscu...@nasa.gov>> wrote:

    On 6/6/14 3:20 PM, Tom Rondeau wrote:

        On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Ed Criscuolo
        <mailto:edward.l.criscu...@nasa.gov>>> wrote:

             On 6/6/14 2:30 PM, Ed Criscuolo wrote:

                 On 6/6/14 1:50 PM, Martin Braun wrote:

                     You also need to add the accessor in the
        include/*.h file as
                     a virtual
                     member function.

                 Thanks Martin.  That did it, although I had to rerun
        cmake to get it
                 to propagate into the swig files.

             Guess I spoke too soon. :(  Although it worked fine on my
        OSX platform,
             as soon as I moved it to an Ubuntu 12.04LTS platform and
        tried to
             build it in a fresh build directory, the cmake ran ok but
        the make
             failed somewhere in the swig stuff, on a cryptically named
        xml file
             "_8__acq__test__1__cc_8h.xml"  with the error

             " 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'compounddef' "

             Prior to this change, I had been moving this OOT module
             back and forth successfully between the two systems.

             @(+.+)@ Ed

        Can you post more of the output so we can see where this is being
        generated (maybe post the build log to pastebin or something)?
        Off the
        top of my head, that doesn't look familiar.


    It's not real long, so I'll post it here

    edwardc@sdr-dev2:~/Gnu-Radio/__gr-tdrss/build$ make
    Scanning dependencies of target gnuradio-tdrss
    [  5%] Building CXX object
    Linking CXX shared library libgnuradio-tdrss.so
    [ 10%] Built target gnuradio-tdrss
    Linking CXX executable test-tdrss
    [ 21%] Built target test-tdrss
    [ 26%] Built target _tdrss_swig_swig_tag
    [ 31%] Built target _tdrss_swig_doc_tag
    [ 36%] Generating tdrss_swig_doc.i
    Error in xml in file
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    line 255, in <module>
         make_swig_interface_file(di, swigdocfilename,
    line 198, in make_swig_interface_file
         blocks = di.in_category(Block)
    line 140, in in_category
    line 206, in confirm_no_error
    line 203, in check_parsed
    line 51, in _parse
         self._members += converted.members()
    line 174, in members
    line 206, in confirm_no_error
    line 203, in check_parsed
    line 163, in _parse
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'compounddef'
    make[2]: *** [swig/tdrss_swig_doc.i] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [swig/CMakeFiles/_tdrss_swig.__dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2

Ok, looks like your swig files weren't updated correctly. I'm not sure
here what the exact reason is. When you were converting over to the new
3.7 api, did you use gr_modtool to create the project space or did you
start with your current one and modify it? If the former, we'll have to
take a closer look. If the latter, I'd suggest looking at the
swig/tdrss_swig.i and swig/CMakeLists.txt files to see that they were
updated correctly.

Nope, I started fresh with gr_modtool for that very reason.
And when I moved the OOT module to the Ubuntu box, I deleted the build
directory, recreated it empty, and ran cmake ../ from within it.

My guess with why it worked on OSX is that you don't have doxygen on
your OS X box. If you do -DENABLE_DOXYGEN=False, that might get passed
this immediate issue.

Nope, I have Doxygen 1.8.5_3 installed on the Mac.  But I'll try
disabling Doxygen on the Ubuntu box and see if it gets me past
this point.

@(^.^)@  Ed

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