Thanks, Tom!  See my comments in context below:

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Tom Rondeau <> wrote:

> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 1:21 AM, Dan CaJacob <>wrote:
>> Running find to search for the missing library does find it at:
>> /usr/lib64/
>> Very Respectfully,
>> Dan CaJacob
> Wait, why do you have a lib64 on an Ubuntu machine? But, we do check in
> lib64, so that shouldn't be the problem.
I don't know, but I do have ia32-libs installed on all of my nodes.  It had
been necessary in the past for one of our binaries, but may no longer be

>  However, package management is not one of ZeroC's strong suits, as Philip
> and I can attest to with the OE recipe work... And finding the libraries is
> a pain as well.
> Do you have /usr/include/Ice*? And specifically,
> /usr/include/IceUtil/Config.h. We use that to test if the Ice dev files are
> there, and if so, extract the version number from it.
I do have those directories and the specific file you mentioned.

> Things seem to be completely different for Ice 3.4 and Ice 3.5 and on
> different versions of Ubuntu as well as other distros. It's kind of a mess.
> Can you get the CMake output for me? For the latest Ice 3.5 cmake script,
> there's a lot more output info to see what's happening.
Sure.  I assume you mean for gnuradio and no Ice.

> Tom
>>  On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Dan CaJacob <>wrote:
>>> Building GR with the latest pybombs completes successfully, but when
>>> calling a GR binary, there's an error about ICE (which built without
>>> problems):
>>> $:~/pybombs/src/gnuradio/build$ gnuradio-config-info -v
>>> gnuradio-config-info: error while loading shared libraries:
>>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>>> This is on Ubuntu 12.04 x64
>>> Very Respectfully,
>>> Dan CaJacob
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