On 29.04.2014 23:22, zielalaoui wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to build transmission on air by using USRPs N210. The
transmission is good with MPSK modulations but when i try to use 16_QAM i
could not receive data (0 bytes at the reception). I tried to adapte
transmission power, gain at the tranmitter, gain at receiver, samp_rate but
the reception file still always empty. This is my flow graph:
Tx: file source => packet encoder => QAM mod => mult constant = 0.4 => UHD
usrp sink
Rx : UHD usrp source => QAM demod => packet decoder => file sink
samp_rate= 2M
samples/symbol = 8
centre frequency=2.4G
Any proposition will be appreciate
Thanks to all

There are lots of things that can go wrong. At 16-QAM, you'll likely have some bit error, and you have no FEC to compensate for that.


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