On Wed, 23 Apr 2014 12:04:52 +0500
ali hanif <alihanif...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am facing issues regarding WX GUI fft sink block..
> First that whatever center frequency i am providing it is showing a peak at
> that frequency whether input signal is there or not..??

The peak means that there is a DC bias component in your signal. That's
pretty normal, depending on what kind of hardware you use.
E.g. a bladeRF will show it, while (at least some) RTL-SDR don't have it.

> Secondly there is a question that whether it can automatically shift to the
> frequency by detecting the frequency of the input signal or not??

You can supply the center frequency to the block. You can specify it
as a variable to all blocks that need it, in order to have it to change
only at one place.

> Another issue in general that i am unable to use two sink blocks at the
> same time..e.g.if i am using fft sink and scope sink then when i execute
> it(i have no hardware attached uptill now)..then both plots are empty and i
> have to disable one of them to get working..??

That sounds weird. Can you show a screenshot of your GRC graph?
(unless you are using a coded flow graph, than that please).

                        Attila Kinali

The trouble with you, Shev, is you don't say anything until you've saved
up a whole truckload of damned heavy brick arguments and then you dump
them all out and never look at the bleeding body mangled beneath the heap
                -- Tirin, The Dispossessed, U. Le Guin

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