Any chance you can share the code?

I will try to get some approval here to release, however it may be a bit of 
time before I am allowed to do that unfortunately.

Try and remove the .xml-file output from the test and run again. Maybe
it's a problem of persistence?

I tried this just now, still seg faulting but thanks for the suggestion.

Any ideas as to why I can't see a stacktrace in GDB even though I rebuilt the 
code with debug symbols?  That seems strange to me.  Tim suggested that perhaps 
this is due to ctest swallowing the segfault as a fail in the test ... and I 
think that is actually what is happening, because I see ctest move onto the 
next test.  I looked at ctest help but didn't find a way for it to not swallow 
the segfaults... does anybody have any ideas here?

Thanks again,

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