On 04/15/2014 04:32 PM, Marcus Müller wrote:
> QT, like Martin was saying :)

Right. We've discussed this on several dev calls, not sure if here on
the list.
In the far future, we want to focus on QT (for less dependencies etc.).
We (or rather, Tom for the most part) have been porting all features of
WX to QT the last few months, and on the current master, there's pretty
much nothing you can't do with QT you could with WX.

But don't worry, WX widgets will be around for a while, but we won't be
adding functionality, and will be officially marking them deprecated
them (most likely) in 3.8. *Maybe* they will go away in 3.9, but that's
a long way ahead, nothing definitive decided here.


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