On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 8:42 PM, Jordan Johnson <jwllmjohn...@gmail.com>wrote:

> From my notes, I manually downgrading gnuradio to 
> 3.7.1-8<http://seblu.net/a/arm/packages/g/gnuradio/>,
> and boost-libs to 1.54.0-4 <http://seblu.net/a/arm/packages/b/boost-libs/>and 
> downgraded wxpython to  and had no issues with WXGUI
> The issue itself is well documented here. I do not build myself, I install
> the package via pacmnan.
> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/38293?project=5&cat[0]=33&string=gnuradio

I can't follow that thread at all. Everyone is claiming different versions:
3.7.2,,, And there's no indication of what the
error is when building. Just that wxgui is not found. No output from cmake
that might explain why it's not being found.

The changes between 3.7.2 and were not that profound. Only a few
cmake fixes that shouldn't affect this, and no changes to wxgui.

In your followup email, you show some errors when trying to run a wxgui
application, but I thought wxgui wasn't getting installed? How could it
possible run at that point?

Please, please try and be clear and complete when explaining how things are
going wrong.


> On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Tom Rondeau <t...@trondeau.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Jordan Johnson <jwllmjohn...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> There has been an issue for some months now in the latest build of
>>> gnuradio from the AUR. It does not build, nor can run the WX/QT GUI
>>> modules. I have had to downgrade some packages to make an older version of
>>> GNR work. I need the instrumentation tools for testing things and cannot
>>> work without them in some applications.
>>> Has anyone come up with a parch or workaround?
>> Hi Jordan,
>> Can you be more specific in the versions and problems you're talking
>> about? Downgraded from what to what? When you can't build, what kinds of
>> errors are you running into? What's the problems that you wee with WX/QT
>> GUI?
>> Tom
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