Hi Nasi,

when I checked the fading models supplied in GNU Radio 3.7 the other week
they seemed to be generating nasty glitches in their output. You could
instead take a look at 'my' custom block for doing simple single path
configurable doppler Rayleigh fading. The output of this has been
statistically validated against the theoretical Rayleigh distribution. I
can provide further details of the validations that have been done if
required. There is a version of the block for both GNURadio 3.6 and 3.7
API's. This block works fine when instantiated singly, however if you try
and build a multipath fading model out of it by instantiating more than one
of these blocks (with delays) at the python level then the whole thing
tends to seg fault, for as yet undetermined reasons.

You are welcome to give it a try however.

Here is the link to the GNU Radio 3.7 version of the block,

Feedback welcome


On 3 March 2014 06:25, Nasi <nesaz...@mail.ru> wrote:

> Martin,
> it is so simple, I try to explain again:
> my question is how you add Doppler to the channel (the code)?
> Different people add it in a different way like using FIR or IIR filters.
> So, I am wondering if you used IIR filter or FIR. If you know of course,
> how you coded it?
> Воскресенье, 2 марта 2014, 15:26 +01:00 от Martin Braun <
> martin.br...@ettus.com>:
>   On 03/01/2014 04:35 PM, Nasi wrote:
> > Helo all,
> >
> > I need your help for simulation of the Rayleigh fading.
> > I know that I can use GNURADIO channel models, but I need to know how
> > they simulated.
> > For example I am looking into the 'fading_model_impl.cc' in channel
> > models of GNURADIO.
> > Can someone tell me how this is simulated?
> Can you specify what you want to do? I don't understand the question.
> If you connect this block to your signal, it will "simulate" the channel.
> > I heard some people also developed it on their own, but I am not sure if
> > that is available and supported by you.
> Developed their own what? Channels?
> You can configure these channels to different types of scenarios.
> M
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