Hi everyone,

My name is Achuth PV,  first year Master of Technology student in
Communication and Signal Processing, Indian Institute of Technology,
Bombay, India.

I am really interested to work in the GSoC project "Wireless Networks
In-the-Loop" and "Channel Sounder"( proposed in 2012 ).


*Wireless Networks In-the-Loop*

The basic idea behind "Wireless Networks In-the-Loop" (WiNeLo) is to build
a GR-based network emulator. This implies the modeling of the underlying
SDR hardware, the individual channels & interference characteristics, as
well as the timing behavior (produce correct amount of noise samples if no
node is transmitting). The project already started in 2011 and as a
outcome, the basic functionality -- the framework with client-server based
"sample dispatcher" as well as some example hardware & channel models --
has already been implemented in the gr-winelo OOT, which will be published
on github soon. See
http://video.fosdem.org/2014/AW1125/Sunday/Wireless_Networks_IntheLoop.webm for
a quick introdcution to "Wireless Networks In-the-Loop".
ObjectivesThere are various tasks covering several areas. Possible
(sub-)projects are:

   - (Signal Processing) Implementation of new hardware/channel models like
   a SDR platform/specific daughterboards or reference channels.
   - (Optimization & Performance) Improve performance of existing
   implementation (port python code to C/C++, develop new mechanisms to
   collect & distribute samples between several nodes).
   - (Signal Processing & Development Tools) Implementation of new
   development tools like "breakpoints on the air link" (pause the entire
   emulation if certain criteria (BER, SNR, interference/collisions) is
   fulfilled on the virtual channel/at single nodes).

Potential mentor(s)

Nico Otterbach
*Channel Sounder (Proposed in 2012)*

*Details*: Channel sounding describes the process of measuring a multipath
propagation channel and obtain information about excess delay, Doppler
spread and fading properties. The final product should make use of USRPs
for channel sounding (the high timing constraints require use of the FPGA)
and provide a complete measurement tool which can be used to gather
statistics about mobile communication channels.
*Knowledge prerequisite:* Digital signal processing basics, FPGA basics
*Access to USRPs required.*


My fields of interest are signal processing, wireless and digital
communication, hardware and software programming and data networks.

I am really comfortable in programming using C/C++, java, matlab, assembly
language, VHDL and I have understanding of Python, CUDA, git. I am also
comfortable in working in Linux. I am a team player and a fast learner and
has got good commitment. My B Tech final year project was "Implementation
and comparison of various DCT architectures on FPGA using VHDL"

 I got exposed to GnuRadio for the first time as a part of a course project
in Wireless and Mobile Communication taken as a part of my masters.

I want to contribute a lot to the open source world and I want GSoC to be
the stepping stone for that.

Can any one please tell me how to start working on these projects.

Thanks in Advance

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