Hi Martin,


Ok, I attach three  files here. I hope you get from the code what is going on 
ofdm_dictionary_3.cc is the middle components code. After processing inside 
that I pass data into ofdm_dictionary_2.cc

Again, it works for smaller number of int delay_min, int delay_max, int Fd_min, 
int Fd_max variables.

Среда, 29 января 2014, 12:53 +01:00 от Martin Braun <martin.br...@ettus.com>:
>On 29.01.2014 12:30, Nasi wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've created a simple flow graph with three components. The first one
>> generates K * L number of values (it is a loop), it passes them to the
>> next one where I do some operations on them.
>> I want it to run just once and then stop it. Therefore In The first
>> component I add
>> : boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(50));
>> and in the last one 'exit' function.
>> The problem is that it runs only for a limited number of K*L. When I
>> increase K or L, it does not run at all. Lets say, I set K to 100 and L
>> to 2, then It runs only for 62 numbers not for all of them.
>> I do not know what can cause it. Can you help me?
>you'll need to provide more than this. Code would be best for explaining 
>what you're trying to do.
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Attachment: ofdm_dictionary_3.cc
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ofdm_dictionary_1.cc
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ofdm_dictionary_2.cc
Description: Binary data

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