Hello GNU Radio community! I am a Midshipman working on PSK31, but I have a
slightly different approach than Louis Brown: I am creating a single custom
block that will spawn a GUI to take keyboard input and then output the
ASCII bit representation of the keystroke. I used a lot of the code for the
Logitech transceiver on CGRAN as my starting point.

Right now, the user hits a submit button on the GUI which then writes any
text to a file. The work function then reads through the file to determine
if there is a new character to submit. Global variables are used to index
progress through the file. Eventually, I want to use a better system than
FIFO, but I am using this a proof of concept.

Testing my block by running it straight into a file sink, I get 32,769
copies of each character. If I add a throttle block, then I don't get any
data in my file sink. My work function runs a while loop because I need
something to keep the program in the work function instead of the MainLoop
function of the GUI. If I call MainLoop in the __init__ function, then I
never get into the work function.

Thanks for any help that you can offer!
-Matt Lanoue

#Define Global Variables
last_tx = 0
size    = 0

### GRC Block Class
class keyboard2_b(gr.sync_block):
    " Keyboard Source Block "

    def __init__(self):
             name = "keyboard_b",
             in_sig = None, # Input signature: n/a
             out_sig = [numpy.int8], # Output signature:  8 digit integer
as a byte (-127 to 128)
 app = wx.App(False)
 frame = wx.Frame(None,wx.ID_ANY,title="Episode IV: A New Hope for Matt's
 panel = LanoueGUI(frame)

    def work(self, input_items, output_items):
 while (1 == 1):
#Read from the key_src file
#print "I got to the work function of the block!"
file1 = open('/tmp/key_src.txt', 'r')
 #Find the length of the file
global size
file1.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
size = file1.tell()
print "Size: %s" % (str(size))

#time.sleep(0.2) #This was used to slow down the spew of terminal output

#Branching statement
global last_tx
print "Last: %s" % (str(last_tx))
if (last_tx < size):
file1.seek(last_tx, 0)
next_char = file1.read(1)
output_items[0][:] = ord(next_char[0])
print "Outputting %s" % (next_char)

last_tx = last_tx + 1

return len(output_items[0])
output_items[0][:] = 95
#print "Outputting '_'"
return len(output_items[0])

 return len(output_items[0])
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