Thanks a lot Marcus, that helped a lot.
I mofified the gr_msg_queue.i as you told me in b) and it worked!
Marcus Müller <> a écrit :
Hi Nada,
that's really hard to tell based on the information you gave.
I'm currently on the run, so I can't really look at the 3.6 branch
and give definite advice, but:
a) make sure there is no special c++-to-python gateway class for the
things you're trying to extend
b) look into the swig files (ending in .i), whether there is some
special wrapping for gr_msg_queue
c) in your build directory, delete the swig/ subfolder and rebuild;
sometimes, swig/make do strange things
d) are you really sure you want to do this? From my point of view
I'd rather keep the "real" queue structure, and whenever my
"consumer" is able to fetch objects from the message queue, it
should probably get them all and prioritize itself; but however,
there are strong arguments for your approach :)
On 22.11.2013 16:18, Nada ABDELKADER wrote:
Hi all,
I have gnuradio 3.6.5 on Ubuntu 12.10.
I needed to add some priority to some packets and insert them on
the head of the message queue. I defined a new function
"insert_head" in gr_msg_queue.c and gr_msg_queue.h and build my
gnuradio. I got this error when running:
line 103, in send_pkt
AttributeError: 'gr_msg_queue_sptr' object has no attribute 'insert_head'
Did I miss some thing? Any help plz?
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