Hi Ben,

Thanks for your reply.

On RX1 channel, I've added a demodulation module. The demodulator get data
from the cordic_z24 module (via clip_reg module) and out to dsp_rx_glue
module (you can see on the attacked file). The data rate on RX1 depend on
the symbol rate of demodulator.
I can't get only data from RX1 on PC. Therefore, on PC, I've configured UHD
to receive data from both channel (RX0 and RX1) with sample_rate is
5Msamples/s (160 Mbit/s), data rate of RX1 is 18Mbit/s. One error appeared
when program run:

UHD Error:

    The receive packet handler failed to time-align packets.

    67936 received packets were processed by the handler.

    However, a timestamp match could not be determined.

Could you help me to get only data from RX1 or both RX0 and RX1 channel,


Best regards.


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:05 AM, Ben Hilburn <ben.hilb...@ettus.com> wrote:

> Hi LTP -
> If you modified the FPGA code for that channel, it is impossible for us to
> know how you might have changed things, and what the effect might be.
> If you post your modified code for others to review, we might be able to
> help you more. That said, we really can't support custom implementations,
> since it is your application.
> What led you to modify the code? Was there something about the stock
> images that didn't do something you needed?
> Cheers,
> Ben
> ----------------------------
> Ettus Research, LLC <http://www.ettus.com/>   |   USRP<http://goo.gl/Ixjhh>
> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Luong Tan Phong <phongl...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Lists,
>> I've modified RX1 channel on USRP N2xx FPGA sources, and data rate on RX1
>> is difference with RX0 (don't change RX0 channel because RX0 channel will
>> be use for other task).
>> Could you tell me how to receive data from RX1, please?
>> Any of your advice to help me would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks so much.
>> Best regards,
>> LTP.
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Attachment: ddc_chain_no_decimation_P.v
Description: Binary data

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