On 11/19/2013 07:44 PM, Nowlan, Sean wrote:
Thanks, Bastian. I tried this and got another error:

<<< Welcome to GNU Radio Companion v3.7.2-13-gf1904733 >>>

Loading: "ofdm_phy_hier.grc"
Error: Connection between pad_source_1(0) and ieee802_11_ofdm_mapper_0(0) could 
not be made.
        sink key "0" not in sink block keys
Error: Connection between ieee802_11_ofdm_decode_mac_0(0) and pad_sink_1(0) 
could not be made.
        source key "0" not in source block keys
I have a patch applied that rename message ports. Maybe the connections are therefore broken. Can you have a quick look if the gray ports are connected. It should be easy to spot where the connections should be (mac_out -> phy_in and so on).

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