I have an Analog Devices HSC-ADC-EVALCZ evaluation board that is tied to
an Analog Devices AD9268-125 dual channel, 125 MSPS A/D converter board.
(That board is also from Analog Devices and the two work together as a
complete RF input to USB output development system.) It would seem to be
an ideal platform for GNU-radio, at least for signals below 50 MHz or so
without needing any frequency conversion. I would like to be able to use
this with the GNU radio software but I don't think the necessary drivers
are available. Am I correct, or can this evaluation setup be used with
GNU radio?
RF, Microwave, Antenna, and Analog Design,
Development,Simulation, and Research Consulting
Aerospace Consulting
P.O. Box 536
Buckingham, Pa. 18912
(215) 345-7184
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