On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 03:23:36AM -0700, Bharat Mukkala wrote:
> the i/o ratio is 1 since the number of input items is same the number of
> output items, but while processing we use the whole signal but not a single
> element while calculating the output elements, i have doubt in figuring out
> how to tell that to gnuradio,my idea is that, can i set_output_multiple to
> ninput_items_required and then do processing.
> thank you

You can only set_output_multiple before work starts, usually in the
constructor. So you set_output_multiple such that you can process the
entire signal at once, and make your block a gr::sync_block.


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Braun
Research Associate

Kaiserstraße 12
Building 05.01
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608-43790
Fax: +49 721 608-46071

KIT -- University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association

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