
I'm trying to make an FFT block in my hierarchical block, but I cannot seem to 
find the correct syntax.
I'm trying to make it with a BLACKMAN_HARRIS windowing function, and it's easy 
in a python program:

                        fft_forward = fft.fft_vfc(window_size, True, 
(fft.blackmanharris(window_size)), 1)
                        fft_backward = fft.fft_vcc(window_size, False, 
(fft.blackmanharris(window_size)), False, 1)

But in a c++ program it gets hairy. Does anyone have any experience with this?

    gr::fft::fft_vfc::sptr fft_forward = gr::fft::fft_vfc::make(SIZE, true, 
gr::filter::firdes::WIN_BLACKMAN_HARRIS, num_threads); 
    gr::fft::fft:vcc::sptr fft_reverse = gr::fft::fft_vcc::make(SIZE, false, 
gr::filter::firdes::WIN_BLACKMAN_HARRIS, false, num_threads);

I believe what I have wrong is the Windowing, which is of the form: 

    const std::vector< float > & window

Tommy James Tracy II
Ph.D Student
High Performance Low Power Lab
University of Virginia
Phone: 913-775-2241

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