On 10/11/2013 04:23 AM, Alexandru Csete wrote:

> I am probably missing something or just misunderstand the situation,
> so please enlighten me :)

This is more Tom's area, but I'll comment since he's off enjoying life
and (hopefully) ignoring GNU Radio for a bit.

While there is a lot of overlap between existing signal processing
capabilities in GNU Radio and liquid-dsp, we are interested in wrapping
some portions of it into the GNU Radio SDR framework.  In particular,
the library has a number of FEC codecs and low-level math routines that
would help round-out GNU Radio's functionality.

Also of interest is the liquid-fpm fixed-point math library, which could
help GNU Radio operate in embedded environments that do not have
floating point capabilities.

The experimental work done with gr-liquiddsp is being done out-of-tree
and we have *not* yet worked out a development plan to incorporate it.

Johnathan Corgan, Corgan Labs
SDR Training and Development Services

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