It is great to see some of the working group notes coming up for all to work 
with on the GR wiki.  I'm thinking it would be great to see other working group 
notes doing the same.  I know there's a page for GRC improvements, which maybe 
is related to the discussion group as well as the email and #irc discussions.  
I'd love to see the same for the other working groups.  Do we think it's worth 
the time for each working group leader to create a page on the wiki and point 
the community to it?  I do ... - MLD

On Oct 10, 2013, at 7:19 AM, Philip Balister <> wrote:
> I've taken the notes we made on the board and put them on the wiki at:
> Please add you name to the attendee list and edit as needed.
> The next question is how do we keep the conversation going and how do we
> actually get the work done.

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