Thanks very much for the help!
I obtained the book (fifth edition) and already read whole section 2.1
(Band pass and Low pass Signals).
That was exactly what I was looking for.

I have one more doubt. Figure 2.1-6 in page 25 shows a real demodulator (I
attached the figure here).
This is not the same block diagram of the demodulador that we have inside
Elonics E4000 Tuner (zero-IF demodulador).
We don't have a Hilbert transformer inside the zero-IF demodulator. We have
just two paths, one multiplying by cos() and the other by sin().
Perhaps the Hilbert transform is implemented by handling the I and Q
components as a complex number I+jQ inside GNU Radio?
Can someone please explain to me how the zero-IF demodulator is related to
the real demodulator shown in the book?

Thanks very much again,
Lucas Lorenzi Ingles

2013/9/30 Aditya Dhananjay <>

> Perhaps, Chapter 2 of "Digital Communications" by John Proakis?
> best,
> aditya
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Lucas Ingles <>wrote:
>> Hello to all,
>> I am using GNU Radio to study digital communications systems.
>> I have been working on the basic FM receiver with RTL-SDR for a while.
>> I was trying to find out what is the theory behind the complex I/Q
>> samples.
>> What I discovered is that I/Q samples are first related  to analytic
>> signals (the pre envelope) and then to the complex envelope of the signal
>> (the complex signal in base band).
>> In fact, what RTL-SDR outputs to the flow graph is the complex base
>> band signal, in other words, the signal translated to base band with just
>> the positive or negative portion of the spectrum.
>> Please, can someone with more experience confirm to me if I am correct?
>> Can someone please recommend me some reference books about the theory of
>> I/Q samples?
>> Thanks very much in advance,
>> Lucas Lorenzi Ingles
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<<attachment: demodulator_proakis.jpeg>>

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