Had no response to my previous email, so I try to give it another shot: 


Hi all, 

I'd like to know if it's possible to read the GPSDO data (more specifically
the GPS time) with GNURadio-companion. I understand there are simple
commands to read this data in C++ or python, and I'd like to know if it's
possible in GRC. 

I'm familiar with programming GRC blocks and working with time-tags. Does
the GPSDO attach some tag on a sample when sending it's pps signal that I
could retrieve in GRC?




Francois Quitin, Ph.D.


Research Fellow

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Nanyang Technological University


Phone: +65-8502-3690

Email: fqui...@ntu.edu.sg <mailto:fqui...@ece.ucsb.edu> 


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