Hello Everyone, With great pride, we say to world that for better research on SDR,we have decided to release all the *SCHEMATICS*, *GERBER *files, *PCB *files. With these files, any one with decent knowledge in hardware domain can build a 2x2 mimo full duplex sdr on his/her own. This is gnuradio 2x2 mimo full duplex sdr. The files uploaded are original design files and they are working as a product. A brief explanation on its capabilities
downloading links click below link https://code.google.com/p/asrp-full-duplex-mimo-sdr-design-files-gerber-pcb-schematics/source/browse/ you will find *ASRP1 assembly files, Bill of Materials, Board Schematics, Gerber files* of the same. Happy sdr to world. Full Duplex Software Defined Radio compatible with GNU Radio + allowing the user flexibility in changing their radio through software. A software radio is a wireless communications device that performs all of its signal processing in portable, application level software. By simply running a different program, a software radio can become a cell phone, wireless LAN, cordless phones, garage door opener or walkie-talkie. The flexibility enabled by software radio allows for faster technology tracking, since standards upgrade are simple software downloads. Software radio is a multi-disciplinary systems effort, bringing together research in digital signal processing, communications, operating systems, software engineering and algorithms. ASRP MIMO is a daughtercardless 2x2 full duplex SDR transceiver complete with RF and DAQ subsystems on a single board. In radio <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio>, M*ultiple-Input and Multiple-Output*, or *MIMO* (commonly pronounced my-moh or me-moh), is the use of multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver to improve communication performance. It is one of several forms of smart antenna<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_antenna> technology. Its architecture is designed for a true MIMO System. It meets the unique architecture required for MIMO systems which are not part of traditional MIMO hardware using common clock for RF subsystems where a continuous RF phase tracking is required. Coupled with these benefits, it hosts onboard RF transceiver subsystems capable of tuning frequencies from 400MHz to 4.4GHz. *Supports: Windows / Linux 8MHz Realtime-IQ Streaming to PC 50MHz RF Bandwidth * *Hardware Components:* Altera Cyclone FPGA 12K Cypress FX2 USB ***Quad 12-Bit 64 MSPS ADC ***( Backorder Est Avail: 2013-10-03) Quad 14-bit 128 MSPS DAC 50MHz Lowpass filters for each channel at baseband Dual 400MHz to 4.4GHz Quadrature Modulators with fine tuning resolution of 1Hz Dual 400MHz to 4.4GHz Quadrature De-Modulators with fine tuning resolution of 1Hz LNA’s, Power amplifiers and attenuaors Receiver Sensitivity: -115dBm upto 3.8GHz and -95dBm upto 4.4GHz MAX RF Output Power: 17dBm with upto 25dB Output power control Receiver Sensitivity: -115dBm upto 3.8GHz and -95dBm upto 4.4GHz Receiver Noise figure: 6-8 dB *SOFTWARE* *AndroidSDRv1001* is a LiveDVD/USB image to support this SDR device without configuration nightmares and when connected to appropriate SDR hardware, allows for the creation of "Software Defined Radio GSM Mobile Phone Networks", for example. This includes Android Studio 0.1.1 Build 130.687321 Environment, as well as contains: *Asterisk 1.8 *http://www.asterisk.org/ *GCC 4.6.3 *gcc.gnu.org/ <http://gcc.gnu.org/%E2%80%8E> *GNU Radio 3.4.2 + GRC *http://www/gnuradio.org/<http://www/gnuradio.org/%E2%80%8E> *Java 1.7.0_21 *www.java.com/ <http://www.java.com/%E2%80%8E> *OpenBTS 2.8 *www.openbts.org/ *Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32-bit *http://releases.*ubuntu*.com/precise/ *Pre-configured to work with Google Voice: just add your Google Voice Email Address & Password. *https://www.google.com/voice<https://www.google.com/voice%E2%80%8E> You should be able to boot off the LiveDVD / USB image and create an SDR GSM Network in under 10 minutes cleanly. ***UHD Driver needs to be implemented to get the GNU Radio versions 3.4.2 through 3.7 applications to function**** *If you are within the USA , Part 15 of the FCC Rules & Regulations allows for utilizing SDR devices as Test Equipment. Ettus Research, PerVices, & other Software Defined Radio providers sell their products under the following (Generally Speaking):* Thanks Ashton Martin -- *It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt -- Abraham Lincoln*
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