
I'm Manu, one of the 5 GSoC students. I am working on LDPC codes, in
parallel with Tracie, mentored by Jens. Going on is the 4th week of GSoC.

*Given below is a description of current status of the project.*

I'm glad to inform that I was successful in making an out of tree module
(in python) gr-ldpc which which implements encoding and decoding of LDPC
Some performance statistics is available
The codes are available here <https://github.com/manuts/ldpc>.
The code used to generate the above mentioned performance statistics is
available as an example in gr-ldpc/examples/ folder.

Encoder operation.
Encoder takes an LDPC matrix as parameter, and reduces the matrix into form
[I P].
The codewords is the set of x which satisfy [I P]x = 0.
A vector of length = # of columns of P is taken as data-word. Entries of
data-word form the systematic part of the codeword, filling the entries
corresponding to the columns of P.
The entries of x corresponding to I form the parity check matrix and are
formed by back-substitution.

Decoder operation
Decoder takes an LDPC matrix as parameter.
Decoder implements sum product algorithm.
A decoder with likelihood messages[1] is implemented.
A decoder with log-likelihood messages[2] is also implemented.

On testing against predefined codes available in good error correction is

LDPC Code construction
Option to read LDPC code defined as "alist" file[3] is provided.
Thus many predefined codes can be used with the encoder and decoder.

Construction of LDPC codes based on Reed Solomon codes[4] is implemented
It did not produce similar performance as the predefined code.

*Goals to be achieved before midterm evaluation*.
Next some algorithms for construction of LDPC codes will be implemented.
Namely progressive edge growth algorithm will be implemented.

[1]. http://www.cs.utoronto.ca/~radford/ftp/LDPC-2012-02-11/decoding.html
[2]. "Modern Coding Theory"
[3]. http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/codes/alist.html
[4]. "A class of Low-Density Parity-Check codes constructed based on
Reed-Solomon codes with Two information symbols", IEEE communications
letters, July 2003.

Manu T S

PS. I very much want to talk to you all in the coming developers call, but
the proxy in my university seems to be blocking hangout.
I'm working on resolving this issue.
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