What I'm trying to do is this:

1. The Root Router receives data from an input flow graph, packages it and 
sends it to its children in a balanced manner.

2. The Child Routers receive data, and, as a Source block, streams the data to 
the Child's flow graph. The resulting output needs to be returned to the Root, 
so the Child Router serves as a sink as well! (here's a cycle)

3. The Child Router sends the data back to the Root Router, which re-orders it 
and streams the result to it's sink.

<ROOT SOURCE>------<ROUTER>--------<ROOT SINK> (no cycle)
...-----------<CHILD ROUTER>------<CHILD FLOWGRAPH>-----… (cycle)


This won't work with the existing gnu radio framework because of that cycle. 
One alternative is the following:

1.  The Root flow graph dumps data into a shared input_queue via an input queue 
sink block. The Router has a shared_ptr to the input_queue, reads the data, and 
distributes it to its children.
2. The children receive the data and dump it into their input_queue via shared 
3. The child also has a queue source block that also has a shared_ptr to the 
input_queue, and it reads the data to stream through its flow graph.
4. The child then uses an output queue sink block to dump data into a shared 
5. The child router reads from the output_queue (via shared_ptr), and sends 
data to the Root.
6. The Root receives the data, reorders it, and dumps it into its output queue.
7. A queue source reads from the Root's output_queue, and writes it to the 
Root's sink.

<ROOT SOURCE>----<INPUT_QUEUE SINK[shared_ptr]>           
<[shared_ptr]ROUTER[shared_ptr]>         <OUTPUT_QUEUE SOURCE>-------<ROOT SINK>

SINK[shared_ptr]>          <[shared_ptr]ROUTER[shared_ptr]>

This all seems a bit convoluted.

Tommy James Tracy II
Ph.D Student
High Performance Low Power Lab
University of Virginia
Phone: 913-775-2241

On Jul 10, 2013, at 1:44 AM, Tom Rondeau <t...@trondeau.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Johnathan Corgan
> <johnat...@corganlabs.com> wrote:
>> On 07/09/2013 05:06 PM, Tommy Tracy II wrote:
>>> I am working on a GNU Radio Router block that will serve as a
>>> communication block between multiple flow graphs. My router will receive
>>> information via TCP, and then send it to several other blocks to be
>>> processed. After those blocks have completed their processing, my
>>> original idea was to take that data and return it to the router to be
>>> sent back to a different node. This would introduce a cycle in the flow
>>> graph. Is there any way to disable cycle prevention?
>> There is no way to disable cycle prevention; the GNU Radio scheduler
>> algorithm requires streaming ports to be a directed acyclic graph.
>> However, this applies to streaming ports only.  It's possible (though
>> probably lower in performance) for you to encapsulate data into async
>> messages and use message ports connected in an arbitrary topology.
>> --
>> Johnathan Corgan
>> Corgan Labs - SDR Training and Development Services
>> http://corganlabs.com
> The thing is, you don't want your streaming ports to have cycles. It's
> not a fundamental limitation of GNU Radio; it's just not the right
> thing to do. The streaming ports are for streams of data, which tend
> to have strong temporal relationships with each other.
> Cycles in data streams are (generally; I'm sure there are a few
> exceptions) usually very time-specific. Think of a PLL: if you have
> more than 1 sample delay in your loop, it falls apart as an algorithm
> (I have a paper on this somewhere that shows the math behind how delay
> effects the locking performance). We don't do cycles because we
> transfer large (ideally) chunks of data between blocks. If you're
> processing 8191 items in one work function and try to feed that back,
> you're now that many samples delayed in time. Then next call could be
> a different number. So not only do you have this delay, you have a
> varying time delay. Doesn't make sense for these kinds of streams. And
> if we set N=1 for all calls to work, you're going to maximize the
> scheduler overhead, which is also bad.
> What you're talking about sounds like a job for the message passing
> interface, as Johnathan recommended. You're not time dependent from
> what I gather from your email, so the async message interface will
> work well. That's basically what it's meant for. You would post
> messages when ready. The blocks that are receiving blocks would simply
> block until a message is posted to them and then wake up and process
> it.
> Tom
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