Baier, For ur file-sink, what was the setting of "unbuffered" flag? If unbuffered=off, file-sink will first buffer specified no. of items before writing them to file, so there is a chance that when FG is stopped some items at the end gets lost. if unbuffered=on, file-sink will write items in file immediately but this is slightly inefficient (takes more CPU cycles)
-Adeel On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Baier <> wrote: > Dear all, > > I generated random data with random source block and saved it to rhe file > data_1k(File sink). After that I modulated the random data (ofdmmod block, > fft size 256, occupied tones 100, cyclic prefix 128) and then demodulated > them (ofdmdem block). Then I saved data to the file data_dem_1k (File sink > block). But the first file data_1k has 4 kB, and the second file > data_dem_1k 3,1 kB. I compared the files with the hex editor and realised > the files are the same. Only the second files doesn't have the last 10 > percent of data at the end of file. > Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong? > Thank you very much for the answers! > > > ______________________________**_________________ > Discuss-gnuradio mailing list > >**listinfo/discuss-gnuradio<> >
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