Absolutely don't worry about carrying it on. Describe it exactly as it is, if 
questioned: Expensive electronic test equipment, with no internal batteries.
Folks have to travel with test equipment and electronic prototypes that look 
plain weird all the time, I certainly have.

On Jun 9, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Bruce Penswick <brucepensw...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello:
> Quick question: I'm flying commercial for a work-trip, American Airlines from 
> Los Angeles to Dallas, and I need to bring my USRP N200. How can I bring it 
> with me? Does anyone have any experience flying commercial airlines with 
> USRPs? Should I put it into my checked-in luggage? I'm afraid it would get 
> flagged as something dangerous, and they'd rip open my luggage. Do you think 
> I could carry it on-board the plane, after security makes me open it and they 
> look inside it? Or is it just going to create too many problems, and would I 
> be better off just mailing it to Dallas ahead of my trip?
> Any thoughts, advice, experiences would be much appreciated!!
> Thanks for your help!!
> Best Regards,
> Bruce P.
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