
> I have only seen this when using make -jN to build.  Once it happens,
> you either need to do a make clean or to start with an entirely new
> build directory to ensure that the swig module in fact gets recompiled
> and reinstalled.  (It sounds like you did this but it wasn't clear.)

Yes, as I said, I retried from scratch, new checkout, new builddir, I
erased everything from previous build.

I traced it to this :

//Details about finding PythonInterp
//Details about finding PythonLibs

It seems that CMake couldn't decide between the two python version
installed (I'm on gentoo and it maintains two // python tree) and
decided to use the interpreter of one with the libraries and include
path from the other. Apparently CMake is not bothered one bit by the
fact "v2.7.3" != "v3.2.3" ...

I have no idea whatsoever how to fix it though ...



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