Hi Everyone
                   I am trying to 2 x 2 MIMO using USRPN210.. Until now I
have successfully constructed a receiver using 2 USRPs having a daughter
board RFX2400 using the freely available file multi_sampler.cpp .. I have
been able to recieve the signals synchronously with zero phase offset on
both USRPS which are interconnected through the MIMO cable successfully.
      Now At the transmitter end I have 2 USRPs interconnected through MIMO
cable having the daughter board XCVR2450 and the USRP connectedd to the host
PC contains the GPSDO required to provide the PPS and REF signal for MIMO
synchronization... I have been trying to modify the tx_sample_to_file to
enable MIMO transmitter but I haven't solution as yet

I am looking forward for your support in providing valuable suggestion
towards the issue....

Thanking You

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