> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Charles Hearn <cmh...@virginia.edu>wrote:
>> I'm new to working on gnuradio (experience operating it with a usrp but
>> not developing for it) so hopefully someone can help me out a bit here.
>> I want to write a module to compare different signals, looking for
>> differences in a few factors by passing some signal features over time to a
>> python program.  To do this, should I write a sync block in C++ (or
>> possibly multiple sync blocks) that will keep a long history and output a
>> vector of the amalgamated features at some point to a python top block for
>> evaluation?
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:33 PM, Charles Hearn <cmh...@virginia.edu>wrote:
> Hey, just wondering if anyone could point in the right direction on just
> how to write a block that will write out a feature like instantaneous
> carrier phase to stdout.  I've read all the tutorials on the website and
> can't seem to find anything that would fit this scenario.  I tried going
> through the code for some of the modulation blocks, but couldn't see how
> they received the phase data for something like phase modulation.
Hey Charles,

I'm not entirely clear on what your end goal is, but from your second email
I immediately thought of gr-digital/lib/digital_constellation_receiver_cb.cc

Check out  the area surrounding line 72. It prints some stuff to stdout, in
fact it prints the phase to stdout. If you change the VERBOSE_COSTAS to 1
so you can see it you will also need to make a couple of tweaks. The print
statement is broken as is because sample is not known to
phase_error_tracking. (If someone wants me to write up a bug report on the
tracker I can do that and submit a patch, but since it's never used I
didn't think anyone would care). My solution was to just change the
function signature to include sample.

In regard to your first email, if you're looking to pass information
between a python program you might look into using gnuradio message queues.

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