> Did you ever get past that? I don't think it's an issue with the ODROID-X,
> rather the kernel shipped on the Linaro image doesn't have swap support built
> in. We've been trying to build gnuradio on an odroid-x too and ran in to the 
> same
> problem. The solutions appear to be corss compiling or getting a new kernel.
> If you've (or anyone else) made any progress I'd appreciate hearing about it.
> Any tips on kernel replacements or tool chains would be great.

I'm building for a different ARM target, but a workaround that helped with the
compiler failing (presumably due to lack of RAM) was to change the optimization
level for the specific large swig file(s) to "-O0" instead of "-O3" that goes 
with a
release build.

Use "make -n" to see the compiler command that will be used for the file(s), 
manually run that command and change the optimization level. Then resume the

> c++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
>> You don't have enough RAM ... SWIG that generates the python wrapper
>> will generate C++ source of like 20-30Mo, which when compilin will
>> require like > 1Go of RAM !!!

Does anyone know of a good swap file size? I had success with 4M for v3.6.4.1,
but I don't want to be greedy.

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