On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Timo Juhani Lindfors

> Hi,
> the "COST-TERRA Summer School, Dublin, Ireland" slides at
> http://www.trondeau.com/gr-tutorial/ are great. Thanks a lot, Tom!
> However, is it possible that some of the examples use features that are
> only available in git? If I try
> $ wget http://www.trondeau.com/storage/tutorial/mpsk_scripts_3_6.tar.gz
> $ tar xf mpsk_scripts_3_6.tar.gz
> $ mpsk_scripts_3_6/bits_representations.py
> on my debian unstable chroot with gnuradio 3.6.1-1 I get
> QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "mpsk_scripts_3_6/bits_representations.py", line 103, in <module>
>     tb = bits_representations()
>   File "mpsk_scripts_3_6/bits_representations.py", line 60, in __init__
>     self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0 = qtgui.const_sink_c(
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'const_sink_c'
> I looked around in git and noticed that
> gr-qtgui/include/qtgui/const_sink_c.h exists only in the 'next' branch.
> Am I missing something here or do the examples really need gnuradio from
> git?

Hi Timo, no you're not missing anything. The constellation plotter is a
next/3.7 thing only. It must have slipped past when creating those
examples. That was a real headache, actually, trying to get scripts for
both versions that made sense. I rely so much these days on the features of
qtgui that are in next.

You should be able to change that to a normal qtgui.sink_c(...) and it
should work fine. Please let me know if it does and if there are any other
files that fail like this. Though, honestly, in the end, that file is about
the most uninteresting one in the group.

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