Hi Albert -

On Jan 22, 2013, at 10:27 PM, Albert Chun-Chieh Huang 
<alberthuang...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm thankful for what you've done to Mac users. Before this
> port, building GNU Radio was really distressing and normally I just gave
> up after several failed builds and use GNU Radio in Linux. 

You're welcome; I'm thankful too, since I do use GNU Radio for a few projects 
off and on, and I like fixing the bugs and getting others' bug fixes in & thus 
keeping my install up to date.  The new MacPorts installs make that really 
simple, and seem to work for most users in most cases.  It's also nice to have 
the time to keep my favorite ports up to date, and maybe even add in a few new 
ones of relevance -- I'm thinking since rtl-sdr is part of MacPorts, I could 
maybe add in gr-osmosdr too since it seems to be of some use to folks.

> Well, I tried to do a clean install MacPorts after this post. This time,
> after MacPorts is installed, gcc 4.7 was installed first and used as
> default compiler. Then I install every packages that gnuradio depends
> with gcc 4.7. When I try to use gcc 4.7 to compile gnuradio with the
> following command:
> sudo port install gnuradio +docs +grc +orc +python27 +qtgui +sdl +swig
> +uhd +wxgui configure.compiler=macports-gcc-4.7
> The build was failed. And then I tried gcc 4.5 and it failed.

Off list, can you send me the logfile from each failed build?  I'll try it 
local to my computer, too, with gdd 4.7 (since that's what I have installed 
already and hence I can check this quickly) to see if I can replicate it.  
Better to fix these bugs than let them persist when reasonably possible!

> Only when
> I use llvm-gcc-4.2 would give me a successful build. When I run
> gnuradio-companion, I got this message:
> __________________________________
> Using Volk machine: sse4_1_64_orc

Well, I'm glad one of the compilers worked!  I don't know much about VOLK, but 
if it's using SSE4 then that's probably pretty fast and efficient.

More in another email. - MLD

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