I package gnuradio for Mageia and we are having problems with test
failures with 3.6.3 in our beta2 distro release.
(from git tag v3.6.3 since release tarball was from 3.6.4git)
We have boost-1.52 and the package builds, but fails 143 tests. Full
build system log is here:-
As a test I set up a local system using boost-1.53 beta1. (with uhd also
built on the same system)
This fails only 3 tests. log is here:
Switching to boost-1.53 beta1 for us is not an option for a stable
release, plus we are now in version freeze.
Unless there is a fix for this using boost-1.52 then our only option may
be to drop gnuradio from the distro.
Any help will be appreciated.
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