
You said:

> Thanks for the tip - I will try to rebuild using gcc later and see
> what difference it makes. For now I am happy that after installing
> gnuradio, I could install the rtl-sdr and gr-osmosdr packages, and
> since I already had Qt 4.8 installed I could also build gqrx without
> major issues.

Sounds like you have had general success on Mac OS X.  

I have been trying the following:

    sudo port install gnuradio +full  configure.compiler=llvm-gcc-4.2
    sudo port select --set python python27


    sudo port install rtl-sdr

    rtl_test -t

All with success, the only hardware I have right now is the DTV tuner.  Success 
except the following...

What I am having trouble with is getting gr-osmosdr installed.   I did not see 
it in macports so I tried from the rtl-sdr site:

git clone git://
cd gr-osmosdr/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ../
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

The last command 'ldconfig' is not supported on the Mac.  

When I do this it ends up in /usr/local instead of /opt/local for macports.  I 
changed one of the make files and got it to copy over to /opt/local instead.  

My problem is the new sources do not show up in gnuradio-companion.  Maybe I 
did something out of order.  Maybe missing something.  

How did you successfully install rtl-sdr and gr-osmosdr in the Mac and working 
with gnu radio-companion?  


PS: Thanks to michaelld for becoming active in maintaining current versions in 
macports again!

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