A blob is essentially a pointer with a byte count, and is used to move raw
data around with messages.

The burst gate was a band-aid that was used to move the "tx_eob" tag to the
last sample, since this is not assured in the way GNU Radio propogates tags
across interpolating blocks like modulators.  It makes a pretty large
assumption that all of the samples of a burst are present in the input
buffer, which may not always be true - when you change to different
modulator for example.

Can you send your flowgraphs so I can see what you are doing when you
modify simple_trx?  It's unclear to me how you would receive the message
you mentioned below if you've removed the framer all together.


On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:35 PM, zhengxiangwei <zxw...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>      I think I make some progress. I think the problem are mainly
> associated with "blob" used in simple_trx. I wonder except John Malsbury,
> who write simple_trx in pre-cog, if there is anyone who can fix the
> problem. The problem is to make simple_trx work with other modulation in
> two host computers, like bpsk, QAM.
>  I compared radio block in simple_trx and benchmark_tx and benchmark_rx.
> Radio_hier of simple_trx can be seen in
> https://github.com/buoyboy/pre-cog/wiki/A-Simple-Packet-Radio-Example.
> I find in the receive path, they are same, except in simple_trx,
> gr_msg_queue() is set to gr_msg_queue(4) and in benchmark, it is default.
> The detail of receive path is
> "uhd_source->channel_filter->demodulator->correlator->frame_sink"
> demodulator, and correlator are modules in gr-digital.
> But in transmitter path, there is a big difference.
> In simple_trx,
> "pad_source->framer->modulator->muliplier->burst_gate->uhd_sink"
> In benchmark
> "pkt_input->modulator->amplifier->uhd_sink
> From the codes of framer and burst_gate, I do not really understand how
> they works. But
> But after I change the transmitter path of simple_trx,(remove framer and
> burst_gate) it can receive some data from radio, but the data type is not
> righ, so the recieve host print its address "86" and data receive and "not
> a blob --simple MAC".
> But if I keep them, then modulator fails for DBPSK, but it works for GMSK. It
> is really strange after changing the modulation, then simple_trx fails to
> work.
> There is some link describe pmt_blob. But I am not sure the advantage of
> using blob and where blob is defined.
> https://github.com/guruofquality/grextras/wiki
>  =================================
> Xiangwei Zheng
> Research Assistant
> ECE Department, Virginia Tech
> Office: Durham Hall 365
> Tel: 540-553-6235
> ------------------------------
> From: t...@trondeau.com
> Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 11:16:01 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] how to deal with "underride"
> To: zxw...@hotmail.com
> CC: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 6:20 PM, zhengxiangwei <zxw...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>  I think frequency offset may not be the reason.
> The attachment is the oscilloscope picture. The first one use DBPSK
> modulation, which can be received by simple_trx.py. The second one use GMSK
> modulation, which can be successfully  received by simple_trx.py.
> I wonder is there any reason may cause simple_trx.py fail to work using
> Thank you.
>  =================================
> Xiangwei Zheng
> Neither of those figures really shows anything. The bandwidth is way too
> high. But the fact that the scope is telling you that the signal is
> clipping might be an indication that you're feeding way too much power into
> the transmitter.
> Tom
> ------------------------------
> From: t...@trondeau.com
> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 12:07:31 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] how to deal with "underride"
> To: zxw...@hotmail.com
> CC: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 11:49 AM, zhengxiangwei <zxw...@hotmail.com>wrote:
> I compared the difference when using GMSK and PSK in simple_trx.grc which
> use radio_hier.grc.
> When use GMSK,
> it calls
> gr_fir_fff: using SSE
> When use PSK,
> it calls
> gr_fir_ccf: using SSE
> gr_fir_ccc: using SSE
> Also I compare with benchmark_tx,
> when use PSK
> it calls gr_fir_ccf: using SSE
> when use gmsk
> it calls
> gr_fir_fff: using SSE
> I know c, f means different data type: complex and float.
> Is it the reason why PSK fail to work? which calls additional  "gr_fir_ccc:
> using SSE"?
> If it is not the reason, I will dive into framer, which may also cause
> failure in TX.
> Thank you.
>  =================================
> Xiangwei Zheng
> No, this is not the reason. This is probably a channel filter used in PSK
> signals and not in the GMSK signals.
> Most likely the reason is frequency offset or too much or too little power.
> Tom
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