I'm wondering whether the GR "powers that be" are thinking that GR has gotten 
big enough to move to using "Gerrit Git Review with Jenkins CI Server"?  I'm 
now part of a project that's using it, and I also maintain (in MacPorts) the Qt 
port and the Qt project uses this method too; so I'm learning the ropes.  My 
initial impression is that it's a pretty useful method for distributed revision 
control when there are multiple developers.  I think the main points in this 
system are: code review prior to merging with the master including multiple 
patchsets for a given changeset, and integrated build testing for each commit.

Here are some URLs:

< http://alblue.bandlem.com/2011/02/someday.html >
< http://alblue.bandlem.com/2011/02/gerrit-git-review-with-jenkins-ci.html >
< http://vimeo.com/20084957 >
< http://code.google.com/p/gerrit/ >
< http://jenkins-ci.org >


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