On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 2:24 PM, sibar002 <sibar...@ucr.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to create an ook modulation and demodulation block. So far, I
> have created a block similar to the bpsk block. I changed my constellations
> points to 1+0j and 0+0j. I want a rectangular pulse to be transmitted for a
> 1 and nothing for 0. I was told I could do this by changing the
> raise_root_cosine filter used in the generic_mod_demod.py to a LPF filter. I
> am unsure how to do this. Could any one help? I would greatly appreciate any
> help. Thank you for your time and help.
> Sam

Line 137 in generic_mod_demod.py is where the RRC filter taps are
created for the transmitter. Change from using a
gr.firdes.root_raised_cosine to gr.firdes.low_pass_2.

Use this page for details of what the arguments to the low_pass_2
filter generator function are:


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