Hi all,

I have been using gnuradio on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS that I installed via the 
'build gnuradio' script and it has been going well.  I use it for a number of 
projects and wanted to have a separate copy to change some of the code so I 
downloaded the latest tarball, extracted it to a directory called 'working 
copy' and did:

cd working_copy/gnuradio-3.6.2/
mkdir build && cd build
make -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/jason/working_copy/gr

This is (relatively) the same process I've used in the past when creating 
working copies of gnuradio before cmake.

The build went through without any warnings that seemed important, but after 
'make test' I get

        Start   1: qa_volk_test_all
  1/143 Test   #1: qa_volk_test_all .................   Passed    0.45 sec
        Start   2: gruel-test
  2/143 Test   #2: gruel-test .......................   Passed    0.86 sec
        Start   3: qa_pmt
  3/143 Test   #3: qa_pmt ...........................   Passed    0.03 sec
        Start   4: gr-core-reed-solomon-test
  4/143 Test   #4: gr-core-reed-solomon-test ........   Passed    0.02 sec
        Start   5: gr-core-test-all

Then that's it, it hangs.  So my question is: what next? I didn't see an 
obvious way to add a verbose option to know what's going on.


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