Hey all,

As the ARRL Digital Communication's Conference (DCC) is being held in
the Sheraton just before or GNU Radio conference, John Ackermann of
TAPR asked me to post this here to make sure you were aware of all of
the opportunities in Atlanta this September!


Mark your calendar and start making plans to attend the premier
technical conference of the year, the 31st Annual ARRL and TAPR Digital
Communications Conference to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, on September
21-23, 2012, at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel Atlanta Airport.

We're thrilled to be bringing the DCC to Atlanta for the first time!

If you're one of the many hams interested in D-Star, APRS or other
packet radio operation, Software Defined Radios, HF data or digital
voice modes, digital TV, or any other activity combining computer and
radio technology, you'll find something at the DCC for you.

The ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference is an international
forum for radio amateurs to meet, publish their work, and present new
ideas and techniques. Presenters and attendees will have the
opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about recent hardware and
software advances, theories, experimental results, and practical

And, you don't need to be an expert to attend -- in addition to papers
on cutting-edge topics, there will also be a track of introductory
sessions including D-Star, APRS, and HF digital modes.

The DCC runs all day on Friday, Sep. 21 and Saturday, Sep. 22, with an
in-depth seminar on using open source Gnuradio software to turn your
laptop into an SDR on Sunday morning, Sep. 23.  There will be a social
event Friday evening and a banquet dinner on Saturday.

More details, including a preliminary schedule of events and a link to
the registration form, are at:


You may register for one, two, or all three days.  Advance registration
for attendance is not required, but is discounted from event-day prices.
 Tickets for meals must be purchased in advance.

If you have questions about the DCC, please contact John, N8UR, at

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