You can put a block in sequence with the samples that does two things in the 
work() function:

1)      copy the input buffer to the output buffer using memcpy or something 
similar since it doesn't look like you need to process the samples at all

2)      keep track of "number of samples remaining before re-tune" in a local 
variable that you set to NSAMPS_PER_TUNE, and decrement it by noutput items as 
you described. If this variable gets down to 1 (or 0?) re-set it to 
NSAMPS_PER_TUNE and call the set_command_time() function to retune. You'll have 
to follow the lead of the burst tagging example to know precisely what absolute 
time you need to retune, and you also have to make sure the re-tune command 
gets called with some lead-time, so I'm not quite sure how to handle this.

This is just a rough guess of how to do it; I'm sure there are other nuances. 
With this approach you shouldn't need to worry about how many samples were 
passed to your work() function since you always decrement your count variable 
by how many you received.

Hope that helps!


[] On Behalf 
Of Daniel Labarowski
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 4:21 PM
Subject: [BULK] [Discuss-gnuradio] How many samples per call to work function?
Importance: Low

I am going to be making a C++ block which will either change the value of a 
variable (which would be passed to it by a pointer) or call the tune function 
of a USRP sink (passed by a pointer) after a certain number of samples have 
been passed to the block. This is related to my question here. 
 In order to do this, I need to establish how often the work function is 
called. From my past experience writing GNURadio signal processing blocks, it 
looks like around 8190 samples are passed to the blocks work function each time 
it is called, but this tends to vary wildly. Also, I haven't tested whether 
this is dependent on data format of the input/output. My current plan to build 
the block is to increment a (local, not the on being passed) variable by 
noutput items each time the work function is called. Once a certain number of 
samples have been handled by the block, I will change the frequency. I was 
wondering if it is even possible to construct a block with no output or input, 
and if it is possible whether the work function would ever get called and 
whether its noutputitems (or ninputitems) would correspond to the number of 
samples flowing through the rest of the flowgraph? If it cant be done this way, 
I suppose it would be no real issue to give the block an input so that it can 
count ninputitems then just not do anything with the input items. Just trying 
to get a feel for the best way to do this and to find out, in general, how 
frequently the work function of the block is called and how many samples are 
passed with each call? Thanks!

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