On 16/06/12 11:56, Phil wrote:

OK I now have simple_FM_rcv running as root!

So all I need now is to set the permission of the dongle. How might I do that?

I have an FCD and an RTL dongle. I got the FCD first, for which I created a udev rule. I duplicated these for the RTL dongle:

$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/20-fcd.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb" ATTRS{idVendor}=="04d8" ATTRS{idProduct}=="fb56" MODE:="0666" SYMLINK+="FCD" SUBSYSTEM=="usb" ATTRS{idVendor}=="1d19" ATTRS{idProduct}=="1101" MODE:="0666" SYMLINK+="DVB"

In case it's not obvious, the hex numbers are the VID/PID of the USB device. You can see these for connected USB devices with lsusb. The MODE parameter determines the permissions, in this case RW for everybody. Once the rules are created, reload udev and reinsert the device.


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