Thank you so much for the response Michael.
I will try to figure out what's going on with both ways and I will post
updates to the list too.


On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Michael Dickens <> wrote:

> Hi George - I believe there are 2 possible solutions, though I've never
> used or tested either myself.  If you just want to verify that what you
> want to do works, I think (1) should be quite straight forward.
> 1) This method will certainly work, but it's not very robust : Make your
> "custom_block2" take an argument which is of the "custom_block1" smart
> pointer type, such that the amplitude can be set any time the former
> performs the computation to do so.  Instantiation of the "custom_block2"
> would take a smart pointer to the "custom_block1", and then store that
> reference for future use; because this is a C++ object, just use "." or
> "->" to access the object's variable or method.
> 2) I don't know if stream tags are in place well enough yet, nor if they
> would work in the manner you require.  The idea is that there's a tag plane
> (sort of like a control plane) that "overlays" (or is in parallel with) the
> graph (data-flow) plane, where tags can be inserted -- a timestamp, or a
> value that might get used downstream.  Since "custom_block1" isn't
> downstream from "custom_block2", tags might not work.  Maybe there's a
> branch for this sort of non-downstream async control?
> Hope this helps; good luck! - MLD
> On Jun 4, 2012, at 3:52 PM, George Sklivanitis wrote:
> > I am dealing with the problem of finding a way to dynamically give
> values to a parameter of a custom block that I 've made in gnuradio
> > by the output of another custom block.
> > The solution of function probe that I have found in previous
> conversations in the forum does not fit me as the value to be changed
> dynamically is entered ad-hoc by the user.
> > I will try to simplify my problem to the rest of the community by giving
> the following example
> > let us assume the following flowgraph implementation
> >
> > signal_source -> custom_block(arg amplitude) -> file_sink  (1)
> >
> > file_source -> custom_block2  -> file_sink  (2)
> >
> > Would it be possible to use as the amplitude argument in (1) the output
> of the custom_block2 in (2).
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Sklivanitis Georgios
Postgraduate Student
Telecommunications Division
Technical University of Crete
ECE Dept.
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