I solved problem

It's not because eth, USB, nor permission problem but because broken

2012/5/15 Songsong Gee <gee.songs...@gmail.com>

> Good evening,
> Currently, I am testing usrp_siggen.py (or gui version) with usrp_fft.py
> and usrp_oscope.py
> But I have a unfamiliar error message which I have never faced.
> When running siggen without SU permission:
> socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(0xBEEF)): Op
> eth0: socket: No such file or directory
> With SU permission,
> eth0: SIOCGIFINDEX: No such device
> The weird thing is I have connected USRP "1" not other version which uses
> Ethernet port.
> Thus, even though that error occurs, in my expectation, USB port works
> fine, and I could see something on fft or oscope.
> But, in reality, i could not see anything transmitted.
> I googled for those errors, and found some solutions,
> 1. check usrp group, and user account is a member of group
> 2. usrp2_socket_opener permission is set fine (sudo chmod +s
> (path)/usrp2_socket_opener)
> 3. give --usrp options to siggen (--usrp=usrp1)
> but none of them solves this problem.
> Please, someone give me an adivce.
> Thank you in advance.
> --
> Seokseong Jeon

Seokseong Jeon
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